Half Marathon Siyasa

26 October 2024 · from Abarán to Cieza

Logo MMS Siyasa Gran Trail 2023

Departure time: 09:30h

Distance: 25 km

Elevation gain: 1.200 m

Logo MMS Siyasa Gran Trail 2023

Max. timespan: 6 horas

Limit of participants: 200

Total time Finisher: 6 horas

Perfil MMS


KM. 4
Virgen del Oro · Refuelling I
Coke · Isotonic drink · Water · Season's fruit · Sweets · Nuts · Sandwiches · Quince
KM. 4
KM. 9
Subida al Cielo · Refuelling II
Coke · Isotonic drink · Water · Season's fruit · Sweets · Nuts · Quince · Spray Exceltic Sport
KM. 9
KM. 15.5
Atalaya · Refuelling III
Coke · Isotonic drink · Water · Season's fruit · Sweets · Nuts · Gels · Sandwiches · Quince
KM. 15.5
KM. 20,5
Santuario · Refuelling IV
Coke · Isotonic drink · Water · Season's fruit · Sweets · Nuts · Quince · Spray Exceltic Sport
KM. 20,5



38 €


41 €

Federated participants

All participants who have a RFEA, FAMU, Asociación Senderismo Solidario, FEDME Y FMRM  licence on the day of the race are considered  FEDERATED  (without day insurance fee).

The organisation of SIYASA GRAN TRAIL in collaboration with the Federación Murciana de Atletismo will provide a day insurance  for FEDME and FMRM members at no additional cost.


RANDOM CONTROLS will be implemented along the routes.

Compulsory material


Liquid container (minimum 500ml)

Thermal Blanket

Mobile phone with the number provided by the organisation, battery charged and credit

Recommended material

Long sleeve waterproof windbreaker

Food reserve


Cap or similar

Optional Material

Telescopic Walking Sticks

runner's bag


Braga de cuello

Trophies per category

U-23 male and female

(from the year of birth 2001 to 2005)

Senior male and female

(from the year of birth 1989 to 2000.)

Master 35 male and female

(from the year of birth 1984 to 1988)

Master 40 male and female

(from the year of birth 1979 to 1983)

Master 45 male and female

(from the year of birth 1974 to 1978)

Master 50 male and female

(from the year of birth 1969 to 1973)

Master 55 male and female

(from the year of birth 1964 to 1968)

Master 60 male and female

(from the year of birth 1959 to 1963)

Master 65 male and female

(from the year of birth 1958 and earlier)

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